Dover Signature Properties
Dover Signature Properties, owned and operated by the Dover family, is an East Tennessee-based company specializing in building renovation and historic restoration projects.
But what makes us unique? Although we pursue a broad spectrum of restoration and renovation work, we specialize in turning neglected historic properties into award winning redevelopment projects that are an asset to their communities.
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We’ve witnessed firsthand the amazing power of building restoration to breathe new life into broken neighborhoods, and that knowledge gives us an unshakeable passion for what we do.
To put it simply, we believe in reclaiming the past to build communities for the future.
We serve as developer, builder, and general contractor for the projects we pursue. We seek out properties that have been neglected—we particularly love historic landmarks and local icons in need of rescue—and restore them using sustainable renovation practices.
We continue to own almost all the properties we develop, so you can be sure that we care about getting the project done right.